A report published by IBM Business Services entitled "Thinking Through Uncertainty: CFOs Scrutinized Non-Financial Risk," a trend is identified showing that CFOs are taking on more and more responsibility to evaluate company non-financial risk.
The report concludes as follows:
"At the large U.S. companies interviewed for this research, the traditional wall between financial and non-financial risk is breaking down. These companies have begun to take a broader view of risk, and are creating an ongoing, unified internal discourse about all forms of risk, both financial and non-financial.
In the process, the finance function is often tasked with finding new ways to assess the impact of events in non-financial areas on business performance. The finance function typically has the best resources with which to view and assess the entire company, and so is naturally positioned to orchestrate if not lead these enterprise-wide efforts. CFOs are adding risk assessment and management responsibilities to their already expanding portfolio of strategic tools they contribute to successful business performance."
As environmental risk management and environmental disclosure converge as related risks companies must address, the CFO may become increasingly involved in managing or evaluating environmental risks companies face and, thus, may have a better understanding of the need to account more completely for and disclose environmental risks and liabilities. Climate change risks and potential disclosure obligations raise complex risk issues CFOs may be required to manage.